KVK Shopian organises training for field functionaries


SHOPIAN, JANUARY 10: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Shopian (SKUAST-K) today organized training programme for field functionaries of the line departments here at Mini Secretariat Arahama.

The scientists from the (SKUAST-K ) including Dr Tariq Rasool, Dr Mir Shabir, Dr Bilal Ahmad Pandith, Dr Khurshid Ahmad and Dr Muzamil Ahmad explained to the participants various scientific methods for the establishment of orchards and informed them about causes of diseases and pests and Do’s and Don’ts in pesticide application. Experts talked in length regarding the selection of site, layout methods and planning of orchards, pit digging procedure, filling of pits, sources of quality planting material, wind breaking fencing etc.

The field functionaries of Agriculture and Horticulture departments participated in the training.