Hardship Allowance revised for J&K Police

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JAMMU, JANUARY 14: The State Administrative Council (SAC) which met here today under the chairmanship of Governor, Satya Pal Malik accorded sanction to the grant of Hardship Allowance @ 8% of basic pay in the revised pay levels in favour of Gazetted and Non Gazetted Police Personnel w.e.f 01.01.2019.

The SAC also approved Hardship Allowance @ 10% of Basic Pay in the revised pay levels in respect of ‘Classified’ category of Police personnel including those deployed with Special Police components and Bomb Disposal squads. The Police personnel entitled to 10% Hardship Allowance will be notified by the Finance Department separately.

The new rate of Hardship Allowance will be in lieu of Hardship Allowance paid @ 10% of pre-revised Basic Pay as per Government Order No. Home 1162 (P) of 2010 dated 16.09.2010.

The Police personnel were entitled to Hardship allowance @ 10% of basic pay in terms of 6th Pay Commission. In view of the implementation of 7th Pay Commission, there was a need to revisit the rates of Hardship Allowances so as to bring in rationality in the rates viz-a-viz the hike on account of pay.