‘Deeply Ashamed’: Kolkata Mayor’s Doctor Daughter Slams Mamata for Inaction, Silence

Doctors at NRS Hospital protest against the attack on a colleague. (Twitter/ANI)

Kolkata, June 14: Kolkata Mayor and West Bengal minister Firhad Hakim’s daughter, a doctor, has come up with strong criticism of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s handling of the ongoing doctors’ strike and said medicos have the right to “peaceful protest” and “safety at work.

In a Facebook post, Shabba Hakim asked people to question why “goons were still surrounding hospitals and beating up doctors”.

“As a TMC supporter I am deeply ashamed at the inaction and the silence of our leader,” Shabba Hakim said on the social networking site close to Wednesday-Thursday midnight.

Till then Banerjee had remained silent on the issue.

“For those saying “Ono Rugider ki dosh?” (what is the fault of the other patients) Sabba suggested they should question the government as in why the police officers posted in government hospitals do little to nothing to protect doctors? Please question them that when 2 truckload of goons showed up why wasn’t back up sent immediately?” Hakim asked.

“Please question why goons are still surrounding hospitals and beating up doctors?”

“We have a right to peaceful protest. We have a right to safety at work,” she added.