Inqilabi interacts with students at GDC Kargil

AICTE organizes awareness workshop on PMSSS in Kargil


AICTE organizes awareness workshop on PMSSS in Kargil

Inqilabi interacts with students at GDC Kargil

KARGIL, MAY 16: A day-long awareness workshop on Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme (PMSSS) for the J&K students was organized at the Government Degree College Kargil today.

 The workshop was organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in Collaboration with Government Degree College Kargil and Higher Education Department

Special Secretary Higher Education Department Choudhary Rashid Azam Inqalabi was the Chief Guest on the occasion while as Prof Ajit Angral Nodal Officer PMSSS and Anand Sharma Deputy Director AICTE graced the event as Guest of Honors.

On the occasion, the Special Secretary shared his valuable information with participating students and advised the aspirants to select the courses as per their aptitude and capabilities.

He said the scholarship scheme can bring a paradigm shift in the education system and economy of the district.

Dr. Ajeet Angral Nodal officer PMSSS appreciated the efforts of GDC Kargil for effectively running the felicitation centre in the college for the greater interest of students of Kargil.

Anand Sharma Deputy Director AICTE and Incharge PMSSS assured every possible support to the students of Kargil in realising their career goals through the Scheme.

Prof.  Nasir Shabani Principal GDC Kargil appreciated the efforts of AICTE for successful implementation of the scheme and stressed upon the students to make good use of the opportunity.

Later, a question and answer session was conducted in which various queries of the students were responded by the officials.

Later, the Special Secretary accompanied by Prof Ajit Angral inspected various facilities at the Government Degree College Kargil.  

The Special Secretary also had an interaction with the students and faculty members of the college. The students requested the Special Secretary to address the pending issues of tribal scholarships of  students of the college.

He stressed upon the students to dream big and work hard to achieve the set goals.