Crime Branch Kashmir books fake online shopping company for fraud

Photo for representation only.

Srinagar, June 21: Crime Branch Kashmir (CBK) has registered a case against ten persons who “fraudulently” stole the money of a person by informing him that he had won a lucky draw.

CBK initiated a preliminary enquiry on the written complaint received from one person, which revealed that the complainant has received an SMS from Cell NO. 919523848205 informing him that he has won a lucky prize of Rs.12,80,000/- and TATA Safari Vehicle vide coupon code No. 101 from NAPTOL on line shopping Pvt. Ltd, said a spokesman.

The complainant, he said, was induced to deposit different amounts in different bank accounts under the garb of different charges /duties. 

“The complainant deposited Rs.10,26,500/- Rs. 1,48,800/- Rs. 2,75,88/- Rs. 1,44,200/- Rs. 3,33,500/= Rs. 25,400/- Rs. 2,67,600/- Rs. 91,600/- Rs. 49,400/- Rs. 1,91000/- making in all an amount of Rs=23,05588 in various Bank Accounts of Punjab National Bank provided by the callers who projected themselves to be the employees of NAPTOL On-Line Shopping Ltd. and Reserve Bank of India (RBI),” said the spokesman.

It also came to fore that the suspects were not employees of NAPTOL On-line Shopping Pvt. Ltd. nor has the said company issued any Lucky Draw Coupon.

“In this manner the suspects who projected themselves to be the employees of NAPTOL On-Line Shopping Pvt. Ltd. and RBI, have in a deceitful and fraudulent manner and grabbed the hard eared money of the complainant amounting of Rs=23,05588/= on the pretext of winning a TATA Safari  Vehicle and cash amount of Rs. 12,80000/- through a Lucky Draw,” said the spokesman.

“The aforesaid acts of omission and commission on the part of  alleged accused (1) Suresh Prasad S/O Anil Prasad (2)  Mrs. Sweta Suman D/O Satendar Singh (3) Kunal Sharma (4) Vikas Kumar (5)  Rajvi Kumar (6) Ravi Kant Kumar (7) Akash Gupta R/O Bihar, (8) Mrs. Rekha Devi W/O Lalit Singh, (9) Parveen Gupta R/sO Patna Bihar, and (10) Mrs. Phool Kumar Paswan R/O Mumbai (MH), prima-facia disclose commission of offences punishable U/S 420, 120-B,/RPC, 66-D I.T. Act. Case has been registered and further investigation taken up.”