NCERT Organises workshop for Govt school Children


Jammu Nov 24: Deptt. Of Elementary Education, NCERT, New Delhi in collaboration with Department of School Education Jammu organized a workshop
through State Institute of Education Jammu under the supervision of Sh. J K Sudan Joint Director (Trgs)/Principal SIE Jammu on the publication of NCERT magazine ‘Firkee- Bachhon ki’. This three day workshop aimed at eliciting creative genius of the children through different activities, which included creative writing, drawing, poetry as well as story telling. A total of 150 kids from different Government schools of Jammu division participated in the workshop. Selected works of these children will find a place in the next issue of Firkee magazine published half yearly by NCERT New Delhi. While interacting with the resource persons, Director School Education Jammu Ms Anuradha Gupta appreciated the efforts of the Head, Integrated School Language program at NCERT, New Delhi, Ms. Usha Sharma, who was an expert resource person for the program, for providing such an opportunity to the kids of Govt. Schools of Jammu, wherein they could showcase their talent. Ms. Anuradha Gupta stressed on the need of improving functional aspect of language literacy among children and encouraged teachers to adopt such innovative practices in their own teaching as well, so that related competencies of the children can be raised. Jaswinder kour, Dr Urfana, Kiran Sharma and Nikhat Yasmeen were the resource persons. The workshop was coordinated by Dr Usha Sharma and co- coordinated by Dr Sarita Sharma .Free copies of Firkee magazine were also distributed among children during the workshop.