BOPEE conducts B.Ed. (Kashmir), B.Ed. (Special Education) Entrance Test

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BOPEE conducts B.Ed. (Kashmir), B.Ed. (Special Education) Entrance Test

JAMMU MARCH 24: The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (BOPEE) today conducted B.Ed. (Kashmir) and B.Ed. (Special Education) -2019 Entrance Test in various centres at Srinagar and Jammu.

Out of 424 eligible candidates, 370 candidates appeared in Srinagar centres and 08 candidates appeared in Jammu centre while 46 candidates remained absent. The said test was conducted at 03 (three) centres namely AAAM Degree College, Bernina, Amar Singh College, GogjiBagh in Srinagar and Government M.A.M. College in Jammu.

The Board officials visited various centres at Jammu and Srinagar and supervised the conduct of test. Two (02) Member Monitoring Squads of the Rank of College Principal of College and 01 (one) Special Observer of the Rank of Ex Secretary BOPEE were also appointed to monitor the test as per the rules and regulation of BOPEE. The Entrance Test was conducted in a smooth and fair manner. The Board expressed gratitude and thanks to all the College Principals and the supervisory staff for their help and support in the conduct of Test.