DDC shopian reviews functioning of Agriculture and Horticulture department


Shopian 26th July: District Development Commissioner Shopian Dr Owais Ahmed chaired a meeting to review the horticulture development plan and agriculture development plan of the district.

Among others the meeting was attended by Chief Planning Officer, Chief Agriculture Officer, Deputy Registrar Cooperative, Sheep Husbandry Officer, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Horticulture Officer, besides other district officers of various departments.

Threadbare discussions were held on various centrally sponsored schemes being implemented in the district which include MIDH, PMDP and PMKSY etc. The achievements made so far and action plan for the current year were also discussed. It was impressed upon all district /sectoral officers to put in dedicated, coordinated and planned efforts to attain better synergy to create visible infrastructure while simultaneously generating employment opportunities for the people of the district. The DDC underscored the importance of potential harnessing and stressed for formulating action plans in an integrated manner by converging various components of schemes of different departments to attain cluster based visible development.

The DDC emphasized upon the members of the committees to implement the schemes in a time bound manner so that the benefits percolate to the farming community thereby raising their socio economic status besides contributing to the development of the district as well as the State.

The DDC directed the officers of horticulture and agriculture departments to start district wise campaign to promote organic farming and water harvesting techniques. He also directed the horticulture officer to make systematic efforts for revival of Ambri variety of apple in the district.