As the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Swachh Bharat Mission was started 2014 to 2019 that aims to clean up the streets, roads and infrastructure of India’s cities, towns, and rural areas.
Distt kishtwar muncipal committee has failed and is loosing shine for providing basic cleaning steps. People are suffing because of the garbage found in streets and colony’s of distt kishtwar .
Through this centrally sponsored scheme meant to only papers as lacs of rupees are withdrawn for cleanliness of parks and streets .
It is unfortunate that Kishtwar Town is full of garbage and no one is bothered to take care of such historic place .There is no such kind of proper drainage system in distt kishtwar drains are in deteriorated condition and causing hazards to society.Swachh bharat abhiyan remain just a name in distt kishtwar .
As we request DC kishtwar to take action regarding this matter and we request muncipal committee distt kishtwar to work sincerely for what they are getting paid for .
report:- NAYAR BUTT