PGIMER starts street cleaning drive at Indira Colony, Manimajra


The  two week drive of Swatch Indira colony Abhiyan  under Swatch Bharat Abhiyan commenced  at Indira Colony, Manimajra that has being organized by the Urban Health Training Center, Department of  Community Medicine and School of Public Health , PGIMER, Chandigarh with Public Health Development Society. Since 2016, PGIMER  is conducting Swatch Indira Colony Abhiyaan under the guidance of Prof J S Thakur, Professor ,Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER with the objective to clean the colony and reduce the disease burden.  Dr Har Ashish Jindal Senior Resident, Dr Atul Gupta, Junior resident and  Multipurpose Health workers organized a street cleaning drive with a theme “ Swacch colony swasat colony.” Improved sanitation can reduce rates of diarrhoeal diseases by 32%–37%. The resident feel threatened with diseases such as diarrhoea, pneumonia, cholera, typhoid  which are preventable. Indira colony has a population of nearly 30,000. and in 2017,  20,912 patients seen at the urban health centre with  843 cases of diarrhea and  86 cases of Acute lower respiratory diseases in children 0-5 yrs.

The sanitary  inspectors with sanitary workers   with local residents made a tremendous effort to clean the streets of Indira colony. The message during the street cleaning were given  to  segregate the dry and wet wastes and utilize the garbage cart’s  in the colony. The residents highlighted that  government must regularize the garbage carts for garbage collection that were irregular in their  functionality.The sanitary inspector also highlighted the urgent need but had some resource constraint for garbage carts. The continuous mike announcements were made for  swacch colony swast colony.  It is expected that disease burden will decrease with adequate  safe  water and  sanitation.