No Biscuits and Cookies, Officials to Get Only Healthy Snacks Like Almonds, Dates, Walnuts During Meetings: Health Ministry

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New Delhi, June 29: Biscuits and cookies, which were offered during official meetings of the Health Ministry will no longer be served as Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Saturday ordered a ban on the sale of biscuits in his Ministry. Vardhan directed officials to provide officials with healthy alternatives such as roasted channa, almonds, dates and walnuts during departmental meetings of the Health Ministry.

In an order released on Friday, the Ministry said, “The Health and Family Welfare Minister has desired that healthy snacks only to be served in official meeting and biscuits are to be avoided.”

Vardhan has issued a circular on June 19 where it made mandatory not to serve cookies, biscuits or unhealthy fastfood with immediate effect. In a step towards healthy eating, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has now sent out an advisory to all its departments asking not to serve cookies, biscuits and other fast food during official meetings.

“Henceforth, therefore, biscuits shall not be dispensed through the departmental canteen and healthy snacks like lahiya channa, khajoor (dates), bhuna channa (roasted channa), badam (almond) and akhrot (walnuts) will be served in the official meetings in the department”, the circular said.

The circular dated June 19 suggests replacing unhealthy fast food with healthier snacking options that include almonds, walnut, dates and roasted chana. According to a report by ANI, an official from the ministry said, “We are happy with the move. Our minister being a doctor himself knows the ill-effect of eating fast food hence ordered this step. We in the ministry are happy to accept the order.”

The circular provides strict directive not to serve biscuits and other unhealthy fastfood during official or any other meetings in every department of the ministry as well as the canteens of its department.  The Ministry circular stressed on ‘healthy eating’ and said is only healthy snacks such as with ‘Lobiya channa, Khajor, Bhuna Channa, Badam and Akhrot” will be served at official meetings of the department.