Permanent health cards for all students, Annual Work Plan and Budget 2019-20 under Mid-Day Meal Scheme approved


permanent health cards for all studentsAnnual Work Plan and Budget 2019-20 under Mid-Day Meal Scheme approved

Panchayats to implement the scheme, permanent health cards for all students

SRINAGAR, MAY 30: Chief Secretary BVR Subrahmanyam today chaired a meeting of the State Level Steering-Cum-Monitoring Committee (SLSMC) under Mid-Day Meal to review its functioning and to approveAnnual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2019-20.

Financial Commissioner Finance, Arun Kumar Mehta, Financial Commissioner, H&ME Atal Dulloo, Principal Secretary, Planning, Rohit Kansal, Commissioner Secretary, School Education Sarita Chauhan, Secretary Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Pandurang Kondbarao Pole, Director School Education Kashmir M.Y Malik, Director School Education Jammu Anuradha Gupta, Director Rural Development Qazi Sarwar and Mission Director Mid-Day Meals Dr. Arun Manhas and other senior officers of various departments were present in the meeting.

The Committee held detailed discussion on the draft Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2019-20 for Centrally Sponsored Mid-Day Meal Scheme for its submission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

The Administrative Secretary, School Education Department gave a Power Point Presentation (PPT) about the achievements registered under Mid-Day Meal Scheme during the last financial year and projections made for the current financial year.

The Committee after consideration of all aspects and guidelines of the scheme approved the draft AWP&B under Mid-Day Meal for the year 2019-20 for Jammu and Kashmir State for an amount of Rs.155 crore for its further reference to the MHRD, GOI for approval.

Chief Secretary stressed upon the School Education Department to involve Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in School Management Committees for better supervision and effective implementation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. Funds for cooking meals and honorarium for cooking will be devolved to the Gram Panchayats from this year.

The School Education Department was directed to have School Management Committees reconstituted with membership of Sarpanches and Panches.

Chief Secretary called upon holding of regular meetings of the designated Committees at various levels for better monitoring of the scheme. He also directed Secretary Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs for early reconciliation of accounts with officials of FCI and School Education Department for uninterrupted supply of food grains for the scheme.

Chief Secretary directed the School Education Department to tie-up with the Health and Medical Education Department and start issuance of permanent Health Cards depicting various details of each school going children from 1st week of July, 2019. This step will help to closely monitor the health of school going children.

Chief Secretary also issued a slew of directions to the School Education Department aiming at efficient and effective utilization of funds under the scheme and clearance of liabilities etc.