An Order As Good As Fake, In The Name Of Tehsildar kishtwar Doing Rounds On Social Media


JAMMU, 30 JUNE: An order, apparently issued by Tehsidar Kishtwar is doing rounds on social media. The language of the order is such that one starts to doubt the authenticity of the order.

One needs to read the order for himself to fully understand why social media is so hung up about this order.

The back ground to this order is that , four days back Tehsildar Kishtwar inspected Government Higher Secondary School (Girls) and put up an adverse and negative report against the Principal. The said Tehsildar did not stop at this but went ahead and issued a show cause notice to the principal who is very very much senior in rank to the Tehsidar.

The teaching fraternity has taken a strong note of the incident and is on STRIKE since then and are accusing that the so called Tehsildar is actually a Naib Tehsildar and is only an incharge Tehsildar in the absence of a full fledged Tehsildar which makes the situation even more precarious. The teaching fraternity is asking for an apology from the said Tehsildar.

Read the text of the order here and decide for your self: