Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta, inaugurates 3-day workshop for Institution Heads on Administrative Skills


JAMMU, JULY 30: Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta, inaugurated a 03-day workshop on Administrative Skills meant for the Principals and Headmasters of Jammu district under SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, here, at Teachers Bhawan Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, on Monday.

The workshop which started on 29th of July and will continue till 31st of July, was attended by 159 Principals and Headmasters from all the 15 zones of Jammu district on the first day.

Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta, in her address, spoke at length about how to bring in the much needed changes so as to transform the teaching – learning system in our schools. She stressed upon all the Institution Heads to use latest technology to improve the quality of education.

On the occasion, Sh. Balbir Sudan, (District Education and Planning Officer), Mr. Vineet Kohli (CA ), Suresh Gouria (Senior Lecturer), Sh. Raj Kumar Chadda (Senior Lecturer) and Sh. Romesh Kumar delivered lectures on various topics including “Relationship between Head of the Institution, Staff and Students, Leave Rules, Educational Planning and Stress Management,  Guidance and Counseling, Child Protection , Financial Management, SMDC, NVC, Income Tax/Taxation Etc. ”

The workshop is being organized under the overall supervision of Smt. Tripta Manyal (HOD and Course co-ordinator) and Ms. Poonam Sharma (HOD). Principal DIET Jammu, Sh. Roshan Lal who monitored the programme and interacted with the participants, later-on, presented the vote of thanks.