Indian Brother-Sister Try to Fool Immigration Authorities by Marrying Each Other For Australian Visa

Photo for representation only.

When we talk about brother and sister wedding, the reaction we have is ‘eww’ and for the very obvious reasons. In a similar kind of incident, a brother and sister married each other in Punjab, but it was not the romance that got them married rather they had a hidden agenda. The duo wanted a spouse visa in Australia and so convinced a court in Punjab to register their marriage.

Authorities found out that the siblings did so to con their way into Australia. Inspector Jai Singh spoke to Storypick and revealed, “According to our investigation, we have come to know so far that the brother was already a permanent resident of Australia and documents were forged to give his sister the identity of their cousin and they first got a marriage certificate from a gurdwara and it was registered in the sub-registrar’s office.”

“They have cheated the social system, legal system and religious systems, all for the craze, wish and desire to go abroad. We are conducting raids but they are on the run and we have not been able to arrest anyone.” He added.

Inspector Jai Singh also said that people do scams to go abroad but a brother-sister marriage for an Australian visa is something new and very shocking.

He said, “Scams happening by people who want to go abroad, but something like this, a brother and sister marrying, is a first, and now it has come in front of our eyes we are all surprised and shocked.”

After their fake marriage, the duo travelled to Australia where they fooled the immigration granting the sister a spouse visa. Agencies