PGIMER celebrates World No Tobacco day at Raipur Rani: Inter-sectoral co-ordination to achieve No Tobacco status to block.


Chandigarh, May 31: In continuation of series of activities in effort to make Raipur Rani Block Tobacco free, PGIMER in collaboration of Civil Surgeon Office, Panchkula and CHC Raipur Rani observed World No Tobacco Day at Raipur Rani BDO office.

Highlight was elegant mix of prominent stakeholders: Jila Parishad Chairman Mrs Ritu Singla, Representative of MLA Panchkula, Mr Aditya Sharma, SHO Raipur Rani, Market committee president Raipur Rani, Representative from district Civil surgeon office Dr. Parvinderjeet, SMO Raipur Rani, Dr Sanjiv, and Dr Anil Garg, and team from PGIMER Chandigarh including chief security officer Mr P.C.Sharma.  It was attended by Sarpanches of Raipur Rani block, police personals of Raipur Rani Block, School and College students and teachers along-with market association members.

Dr Ekta from Department of Community Medicine & SPH coordinated the program. Dr. Arun Kumar Aggarwal, PGIMER Chandigarh delivered welcome address and stressed the need to develop joint action plan with all stakeholders to make Raipur Rani tobacco free. He stressed upon importance and role of all participants at individual level and organizational level to control tobacco menace in Raipur Rani block. In India 10% out of total deaths every year due to tobacco are due to second-hand smoke. Which is 80,000 to 1,00,000 deaths per year. India is second largest consumer and producer of tobacco. As per GATS survey 35% of population of India is consuming tobacco in some or other form.

Dr. Anil Garg, Medicine Specialist in CHC Raipur Rani discussed about harmful effects of tobacco. He elaborated how tobacco can effect each every organ of our body. Dr. Garg stressed upon the fact that in addition to causing cancers in head and neck region; and lungs tobacco causes many significant effects on sperm production. It also has cosmetic effects as well that include early aging wrinkling, staining of teeth, hair loss and poor skin texture.

Dr. Divya, Junior Resident and Mrs. Jagdeep Rana Female Multi-Purpose Worker from PGIMER did an experiment demonstration using one cigarette in a water filled bottle, creating negative pressure in bottle to make the cigarette smoke inside bottle, and then pressed the smoke out of bottle on a tissue paper.Audience was awestruck to see visible discoloration of tissue with smoke chemicals.Message was loud and clear- even one cigarette tar can cause enough damage in lungs.

Dr. Ekta Dogra, PGIMER, Chandigarh discussed about various sections of COTPA act. Quoting section 4 and 6 of the act, she appealed that those who are found to be smoking at public places can be fined with Rs.200. She informed that even sarpanches and teachers are authorized to impose penalty. She highlighted that It is mandatory to display No Smoking Banner at all public places.Seller should not sell  the tobacco product to a minor.  A display board must be put up at the point of sale declaring that “sale of tobacco products to minors is prohibited.” Sale of tobacco products through vending machine and display of Tobacco Products may result in violation of the act.Tobacco products should not be sold in an area within radius of 100 yards of any educational institution.

Under Section 77 of Juvenile Justice Act (JJA) 2015,sale of tobacco to the minor is Punishable act. Violator may be got rigorous imprisonment for seven years or be liable to a fine up to one lakh rupees.

Section 7 offence is bail able & non compoundable which means action against violation of section 7 to be handled by the CJM Court.Punishment for Seller/ Distributor in First Conviction: Imprisonment up to 1 year and/or fine up to Rs 1000 or both. Second Conviction: Imprisonment up to 2 years and/or fine up to Rs 3000 or both. Cr.PC 1973 are applicable for search & seizure.

Mr. P C Sharma, Chief Security Officer, PGIMER Chandigarh shared his experience, how they were able to declare PGIMER Chandigarh smoke free status by supportive actions and by little strictness. He told that about 2000 Kg of tobacco products were self deposited by patients, attendants and staff while entering hospital premises, in initial two years of their campaign. He stressed it is difficult but possible by persistence, continuous and supportive efforts.

SHO Raipur Rani, Mr. Mahmood Khan thanked team for putting COTPA on open platform. He shared with audience how he has never smoked in his life and has ensured his office as smoke free zone all throughout his posting in Raipur Rani.

Mr. Rajinder Goyal, Vayapar Manch Pradhan delivered a passionate speech, and shared his experience how he never give in to stress from society to sell tobacco products. He asked upon all shopkeepers present to spread the word amongst their groups to follow the policy “ na piyunga/khaunga aur na khane dunga.”

In group discussion amongst the audience, everyone agreed to the fact that all need to work together to fight this menace.

Representatives from MLA Mrs.Latika Sharma (could not attend due to sworn in ceremony), Mr. Aditya Sharma, State BJP Karykarini Member and Mrs. RituSingla, Zila Parishad Chairman and were present on this occasion. They stressed upon importance of tobacco control activities amongst the public.Mr Aditya shared his views that people must take responsibility for their own actions and assured full support for such activities in their area.

Students Miss Sonalika, Master Harkeet Kochar and Miss Gaytri were presented trophies and certificates for coming first, second and third in Poster making competition.

Miss Simran class twelfth student recited a poem on tobacco effects. Followed by a nukar natak was performed by students of GSSS, Raipur Rani stressing on leaving or not starting tobacco at all. In their nukar natak they demonstrated how due to peer pressure or to look cool youngsters start consuming tobacco ultimately resulting in disturbed family, society and premature death. They elaborated how with social support and will power all can overcome habit of tobacco consumption.

Function ended with vote of thanks from Dr Arun K Aggarwal.