District administration Doda issues travel advisory


DODA, DECEMBER 30: Keeping in view the prevailing weather conditions and frequent occurrence of icing of the road at various spots on Batote-Kishtiwar NH1B, District Administration Doda has issued a travel advisory under which it has advised to the people not to accelerate the speed of their vehicles over 20-30 km/hr and to restrict the movement of their vehicles particularly in wee hours till the weather conditions improves.

Moreover DC Doda, Dr Sagar D Doifode directed GM NHIDCL to restore all the blocked drains if any on the aforementioned highway which not only cause damage to the road but also becomes slippery having the potential cause of accidents.

He also directed to the concerned authorities to take appropriate and necessary action at their end to ensure salting on such patches which can put the precious life of people in danger.

Further PHE department was directed to get the leakage of pipes repaired on roads if any with immediate effect so that the risk of road accidents can be reduced.