Chandigarh,1 July:    Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT Chandigarh, Sh. VP Singh Badnore today presided over Daily War Room meeting.  The meeting was attended by Sh. Manoj Parida, Adviser, UT, Chandigarh, Sh. Arun Gupta, Principal Secretary (Home), Sh. Sanjay Beniwal, Director General of Police, Sh. Ajoy Kumar Sinha, Finance Secretary, Sh. KK Yadav, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation and Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh at Punjab Raj Bhawan,  Deputy Commissioners of Mohali & Panchkula, Director-PGIMER, Director Health Services and Director Principal, GMCH through Video Conferencing.


1.The Administrator congratulated doctors on the occasion of World Doctors Day and mentioned that due to their hard work and commitment, the city of Chandigarh has been able to keep the covid pandemic under control.

2.Dr. Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER stated that out of 468 covid samples tested, 10 were found positive, out of which 05 only belong to Chandigarh.  Dr. BS Chavan, Director Principal, GMCH stated that out of 90 samples tested, all were found negative.  Dr. G. Dewan, Director Health Services stated that 200 tele-medicine cases were dealt in the hospitals.

3.The Administrator directed that all cases of fever, ILI, SARI, SARS, & vector be tested for covid.  He also appealed to the residents to inform the authorities about any suspect case in neighbourhood, so that medical team could approach them and arrange testing.

4.Deputy Commissioner, Mohali stated that they have 69 active cases.  Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula stated that they have 24 active cases.  Deputy Commissioner, UT, Chandigarh stated that they have 70 active cases.

5.Sh. Manoj Parida, Adviser, stated that the Unlock 2 orders passed by the Ministry of Home Affairs have been adopted in Union Territory, Chandigarh. 

 After detailed discussions, the following decision were taken :-

1.Odd-even system, presently being followed in selected markets will be discontinued.  This will also apply to street vendors.

2.On similar pattern as Punjab, maximum two persons on a scooter/motorcycle, 04 persons in a car and 03 persons in an auto-rickshaw will be allowed (including the driver).  However, all riders will use masks and the vehicles will be regularly sanitized by the owners. 

3.All shops/restaurants will be allowed to remain open from 10:00 AM to 09:00 PM.

  4.Call Centres/Industrial establishments will be allowed to operate night shifts provided their employees do not come out of the office/factory premises during curfew period from 10:00 PM to 05:00 AM.

5.Apni Mandies and Organic Markets will continue to remain closed, till further orders.

6.Inter-state bus service will continue to remain suspended, till further orders. 

7.Service of alcoholic drinks in marriage functions will be permitted; provided specific permission from Excise Department is taken.  However, bars will continue to remain closed.

8.There will be complete ban on social/political/sports/entertainment/academic/cultural/religious functions and other large congregations, as per Government of India’s guidelines.

9.The activities like cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, spas, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places will not be permitted.

10.There will be strict implementation of mask-wearing, social distancing in public places and any person violating the guidelines/directions will be penalized.