Directorate of School Education Jammu organises national webinar on Vedic Mathemetics


Jammu: Directorate of School Education Jammu organized a National Webinar on VEDIC MATHEMATICS in collaboration with National Council of Teacher Scientists (J&K CHAPTER)-India, a unit of Raman Science And Technology Foundation Gujrat, All India Ramanujan Maths Club India(Registered under Vipnet, Vigyan Prasar Department of Science and Tecnology Delhi) for the Teachers of Jammu and Kashmir to acquaint them with the importance of Vedic Maths and its utility for students.

The webinar was inaugurated by Ms Anuradha Gupta (KAS), Director School Education Jammu who in her inaugural address stressed on the need amd importance of Vedic Mathematics during the present times when competition is increasing day by. Speaking at the webinar, she said that students need to equip themselves with methods and techniques that will help them in increasing their efficiency levels and Vedic Mathematics was one such filed that has a lot to give to students in general amd society at large. By using Vedic Mathematics, the students will not only be able to excel in competitive examinations  but also in life. She lauded the efforts of Dr. C.M. Joshi chairman NCTS, NSTF, AIRMC, APJNYYS for bringing to the teachers of Jammu and Kashmir this concept. Addressing the teachers she asked to take full benefit of the said webinar acquiring and assimilating as much as possible.

Dr.T P Sharma, Mathmatics Professor, DESM NCERT New Delhi and also guest of honor focussed on teaching of Mathematics in a playway and joyful manner so as to have proper understanding of the concepts and the students too can relate the mathematical learnings to day to day real life situations.

The resource person P Devaraj, founder secretary Cosmic Maths in a very simple and coherent way explained the various mathematical problems/calculations/computations etc.
Various queries of participants were also addressed by him.

The webinar was live streamed on Facebook page of National Council Of Teacher Scientist India and other social sites and was attended by thosaunds of teachers and students across the length and breadth of all the 10 districts of Jammu and Kashmir UT. Teachers from other states also attended the webinar.

Sh. Kuldeep Gupta lecturer, GGHSS Arnia and Director NCTS(J&K), as host welcomed the dignitaries and other participants from all over the country. He gave a brief account of the need for leaning Vedic Mathematics and how it can help the students in Holistic development of their brain.

Dr. Chandermouli Joshi Chairman NCTS,  NSTF, AIRMC, APJAKNCYS thanked Ms. Anuradha Gupta, Director School Education, Jammu for her support and cooperation in the successful organization of the program and assured her that many more such programs on science and mathematics will be organized in future as well.

Sh. Govind Sharma, Nodal Officer Fit India Movement,  Dr. Surinder Sharma I/C DSEJ Home Assignments and Sh.Romesh Sharma Head Conselling Cell DSEJ  coordinated  towards the smooth conduct of the Webinar.

Vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Rajesh Thakur, National Secretary All India Ramanujan Maths club India.