Department Of School Education organises cooking competition for ‘Cooks and Helpers’


Jammu, 10 February: Samgra Sheekhsha Jammu in collaboration with Directorate of School Education Jammu today organized a District level Cooking competition for ‘Cooks and Helpers’ working with the Department of School Education at Government Girls High School Gandhi Nagar. The competion was held through the office of Chief Education Office Jammu and cooks and helpers from various schools  of District Jammu participated in the event.

While speaking at the event, Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta said that the event was primarily  held to acknowledge the vast  contrubution of these cooks and workers and to appreciate their efforts while encouraging them by infusing a sense of competition resulting in learning from one another and progressing together towards coming up with innovative methods. She also said that the winners will be given training in cooking at Food And Craft Institute and incentives have also been envisaged by the Mission Director Mid Day Meal Scheme.

Director Samagra Shiksha Jammu, Shri Arun Manhas, on the occasion said that the winners will further participate at the divisional level cooking competition and  a special training aimed specifically at hygiene and cleanliness will be provided to the winning teams and others as well.

Mr. Ajay Kumar, zone Akhnoor, Primary School Mohalla Doom, stood first with his winning dishes Rajma and Mixed Vegetables. Ms. Kamla Bhagat, zone R. S. Pura, Middle School City R. S. Pura stood second for cooking Halwa and Matter Paneer while Ms. Bachno Devi, zone Bhalwal, Middle School Lower Thatahar stood third for cooking rajma and mix. Veg.

Winners were given cash prizes as well as trophies while rest of the contestants were handed over consolation prizes by the Director School Education Jammu and Director Samagra Sheeksha. Chief Education Officer Jammu Shri Kulbir Singh was also present at the event amongst other dignitaries.