Trains from Bangalore, Goa carrying stranded persons of J&K begin journey towards J&K

37 stranded persons also leave from Agra

Photo for representational purpose only.

Trains from Bangalore, Goa carrying stranded persons of J&K begin journey towards J&K

37 stranded persons also leave from Agra

JAMMU, MAY 11: As per commitment of the government to ensure safe return journey of people stuck up outside J&K, the first train carrying stranded persons of Jammu and Kashmir started its journey from Bangalore yesterday forenoon with about 1000 passengers.

According to an official statement, the train from Bangalore is likely to take about 48 hours to reach its destination. “The entire process of boarding was organised while strictly adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19”.

The statement further reads that yesterday evening, another train, this time from Goa, left for J&K carrying persons, who had been unable to move from Goa since the lockdown began on 3rd March, 2020. “Prior to boarding, the necessary screening was conducted as per the SOP. The train will take about 36 hours to reach Udhampur”.

Similarly, 37 stranded persons including 11 students (4 girls and 7 boys) also left Monday morning from Agra towards J&K.