Government schedules COVID special trains to pick up stranded JK residents from Karnataka, Gujarat, AP, Teleangana


Govt schedules COVID special trains to pick up stranded JK residents from Karnataka, Gujarat, AP, Teleangana

JAMMU, MAY 16: The government has scheduled several COVID special trains to bring back the residents of Jammu and Kashmir, stranded in various other states due to lockdown, to relieve those unfortunate people of their hardships they are facing because of the global pandemic.

For the stranded people in Karnatka, the administration has arranged train for J&K from Tripura Vasini White Petals, Gate number 2, palace Grounds Bellary Road Armane Nagar Bengluru Karnatka-560006. The reporting time for the train would be from 2 pm to 5 pm on 17th May. For any facilitation, the people can whatsapp at 9480800601 or call at 01912466988.

Similarly, those who have been stranded in Gujarat have to register themselves on Gujarat government’s portal for their return to J&K. The registration would be done at 3 pm tomorrow on 17th May. It is the only train from Gujarat for J&K.

For the stranded persons in Andra Pardesh and Telengana, the government would soon schedule a train for J&K.  Since then, the people there have been advised by the Nodal officer J&K Government to wait for further information in this regard and  not to move on foot or in an unauthorized manner and contact at 01912466988 for any issue in this regard.        No: