Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum demands next Chairman JKBOSE be from School Education Department

All J&K Plus Two Lecturers' Forum

Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum demands next Chairman JKBOSE from School Education Department

Jammu :April 21 . An emergent meeting off All J&K Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum was held through teleconferencing under the chairmanship of its president Deepak Sharma wherein he demanded appointment of new Chairman J&K Board of School Education from School Education Department after the retirement of incumbent Chairman this month.
Deepak Sharma informed the house that Plus Two component of School Education Department got delinked from the colleges( Higher Education) in the year 1975 and it was at infancy stage then and required hand holding from the academicians from Higher Education. Much water has flown in the Ganges since then. Our officers/Academicians are qualified with PhD,NET,SLET and other professional degrees and are competent enough to manage the affairs of JKBOSE .He further added that every job pertaining to JK BOSE including curriculum development, textbook development Examination and Evaluation is done efficiently by the academicians from school department only and JKBOSE is exclusive arena of School Education Department only. It’s high time all officers right from Academic officer, Joint Secretary, Secretary and Chairman were appointed from the officers/Academicians drawn from School Education Department only who are well versed with the working of JKBOSE and Education Department.
Forum further hoped that practical shape will soon be given to Running Grade/ Tme Bound Promotion and Induction Quota into KAS in favour of Plus Two Lecturers as promised by Honest and dynamic Principal Secretary Dr Asgar Hassan Samoon and other demands like Non vacational status to Principals/ Head of Schools, 40% college quota, revocation of SRO -202 , placement of lecturers as senior lecturers, Release of promotion list of Principals strictly as per UT level seniority and Regularisation of all incharge incumbents/retirees including physical education lecturers and removal of their pay anomaly will also be acceded to.
Others who participated in teleconferencing were NS Jamwal, RS Slathia,Dr Sushma ,Anil Sharma , Anwar Khan,Sanjay Bhagat and Pradeep Singh.