Chandigarh, 22nd June, 2020 : Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT Chandigarh, Sh. VP Singh Badnore today presided over Daily War Room meeting. The meeting was attended by Sh. Manoj Parida. Adriser, UT. Chandlgarh and Sh. Sanjay Beniwal, Director General of Police at Raj Bhawan. The Administrator also interacted with Sh. Arun Gupta, Principal Secretary (Home), Sh. AK Sinha, Flnanca Secretary, Sh. KK Yadav, Commissroner, Municipal Corporation and Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner. Chandigarti, Deputy Commissionere of Mohali & Panchkula. Director-PGIMER. Director Health Services and Director Principal, GMCH through Video Conferencing.


  1. Dr. Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER informed that against 222 tests made, only 07 samples were found positive. Dr. B.S. Chavan, Director Principal, GMCH stated that against 162 samples, 20 were found positive. Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula informed that they have 83 active cases and Deputy Commissioner, MohalJ stated that they have 66 active cases.
  2. Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh expressed concern about the number of rising covid positive cases. He directed Sh. Arun Kumar Gupta, Principal Secretary Health to issue specific orders regaiding self-home quarantine for 14 days for visitors coming from outside Tri-city. However, this will not apply to such visitors who spend less than 72 hours in Chandlgaih. This will enable Business Executives/ Government Employees etc., who come to Chandigarh for official work and leave after short stay.
  3. The Administrator directed Commissioner, Municipal Corporation and Deputy Commissioner, UT to ensure that all residents, who have been kept in Quarantine Centres are property taken care of. Basic facilities of proper food, water and clean toilets should be ensured through regular supervision.
  4. The Administrator noted that in the recent past, the maximum number of positive cases have been found in persons coming from outside. He appealed to the local Residents Welfare Associations, Voluntary Agencies, Social Workers etc. to co-operate with the Health and Police Authorities in monitoring the stay and movement of persons coming from outside. He advised that in case of any symptom, the matter should immediately be brought to the notice of Health Authorities. Suppression of such vital information will leas to further spread of infection.

Sh. Mandjp Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner informed that for every affected area, they will have a Joint Action Committee comprising municipal, health, police officials under incident Commanders, who will liaise with the Local Voluntary Organizations and Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) to keep a watch in the areas and to ensure observance of social distancing and necessary hygienic practices.

On the basis of report of Affected Area Committee, the Administrator decided to open up several pockets in Bapu Dham Colony; such as Pocket No.15, 13, 20 and 07. Although these pockets have been removed from the perimeter control, yet regular surveillance and sanitization of the areas will continue to keep track of future perspective.

The Administrator also stated that in case there is fresh break-out in any of the areas of Chandigarh that has recently been opened up, fresh restrictions will again be imposed. He advised the residents to strictly follow social distancing, hand hygiene, mask wearing and other hygienic practices. They should also keep a watch and inform Administration about any suspect visitors from outside city.

Keeping in view the reports of frequent violation of social distancing and mask wearing, it was decided that a special drive should be undertaken to impose on-the-spot fine on such violators. Chandigarh Administration has already fixed a fine amount of Rs.500/for spitting at public places and for violating social distancing norms by owners of Shops/Commercial places, Rs.2,000/- for violating home quarantine instructions and Rs.500/- for violating the social distancing norms by the owners of auto-rickshaw/two wheelers, Rs.2,000/- for cars and Rs.3,000/- for buses.

The Administrator also directed Director General of Police to ensure that there is regular checking of persons coming from outside tri-city to Chandigarh. Only those persons, who have registered themselves for the visit on the website of the Administration will be allowed to enter Chandigarh. Police Control Room will also randomly check their locations to ensure that they observe proper home quarantine.