JK High Court issues directions regarding court workings

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Coronavirus: JK High Court issues directions regarding court workings

JAMMU, MARCH 23: In order to prevent spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), High Court of Jammu and Kashmir Monday directed that next date of hearing of cases listed upto March 31, 2020 shall be published in the Advance Cause List, which shall be uploaded on the High Court Website.

With regard to hearing of urgent matters, parties/counsel shall, after informing the opposite parties/counsel, send Urgency Memo through e-mail to the concerned Registrar Judicial by 3.00 pm of the previous day of the date on which the matter is listed and upon satisfaction about the urgency, the Court may hear such matter(s).

The e-mail IDs are given as under:-

(a) Registrar Judicial Jammu:- soniagupta265@gmail.com

(b)Registrar Judicial Srinagar:- massarat.shaheen@gmail.com

On the date and time fixed, the case shall be heard through video conferencing. In the event, Video Conferencing is not available, in case of exceptional urgency, remote hearing of the cases may be conducted using Video Call facility. The Advocates/Litigants shall telephonically mention their matter(s) by providing:-

a) Title, Number and Stage of the matter(s).

b) Mobile Number (associated with whatsapp) of the litigants/advocate from which he/she intends to appear through Video call.

c) Grounds of urgency through e-mail/whatsapp message/SMS by 3:00 PM of the previous day of the date fixed and upon satisfaction about the urgency, the Court may hear such matter(s) through Video Conferencing/Video Call.

The filing counter of both wings of the High Court shall remain closed for all ordinary matters. The Registrar Judicial of both wings of the High Court shall not accept any ordinary filing of suits, appeals, petitions, applications etc., till further orders.

In order to de-congest the sections/rooms of the Registry and on account of suspension of public transport by the Government coupled with imposition of certain other restrictions, the officials working in the Registry, shall be permitted to functionin batches of minimal staff on rotation basis till 31st of March, 2020. The roster in this regard, in respect of Judicial Branches of the High Court shall be prepared by the concerned Registrar Judicial.

Furthermore, the Jammu and Kashmir State Judicial Academy shall suspend all its training programmes till 31 March, 2020. Registrar Judicial of both the Wings of the High Court shall ensure sanitization of the complexes and availability of sanitizers in Court rooms and all other Sections of the Registry for the staff, and at some conspicuous places in the complexes for the Advocates and visitors. Thermal screening of the visitors to the Court complexes shall be ensured through the officials of the Health Department posted in the respective Wings of the High Court.

With respect to District Courts, next date of hearing of Cases listed upto 31 March, 2020 in the Courts shall be notified and uploaded on the Website of the concerned District Court. The Courts/Magistrates shall use Video Conferencing in the cases especially those relating to remand. Hearing through video calling shall commence at 11:00 am on the date notified and video call shall be placed from the Court end only on the whatsapp number provided by the Advocate/litigant.

The Courts shall not entertain any ordinary filing of suits, appeals, petitions, complaints, applications, etc, till further orders. Forthe purposes of computation of limitation expiring during such period of filing prohibition, the same be deemed as expiring on the date of resumption of filing by the further orders of the Court.

With regard to criminal cases Interim bail orders shall stand extended till the next date as notified on the website. Personal appearance of accused person(s) shall stand exempted in all Criminal trials till next date as notified on the website.

In order to de-congest the sections/offices of the Courts and on account of suspension of public transport by the Government coupled with imposition of certain other restrictions, the Presiding Officers and the Officials working in the Courts, shall be permitted to function in batches of minimal strength on rotation basis till 31st of March, 2020.

Crowding in the Courts shall be avoided by procuring Thermal Scanners (non-touch) at the earliestand the same be put to use at the existing check points of the Court Complexes. Lok Adalats, Legal Services Programmes and Mediations Programmes shall not be held till further orders.

The Canteens, Lawyers’ Chambers and the Bar rooms will not remain operational till further orders.