Dial 112 if anyone parties in your neighbourhood, UT Adviser tells Chandigarh residents

Manoj Kumar Parida

Chandigarh, April 28: In order to contain the further spread of coronavirus in Chandigarh, UT Adviser Manoj Parida has asked the residents to report to the administration if anyone held parties or social gatherings in their neighbourhood.

The move comes in the wake of a Covid-positive GMCH-32 employee holding a gathering at his house in Bapu Dham Colony, Sector 26, and infecting many people.

“Now I appeal to residents to report against neighbours if they are holding parties/social gatherings /get-togethers, in violation of curfew. Just call 112 or send a video clip as evidence. This seems to be the only way to deal with these enemies of society,” Parida tweeted.

So far, 50 cases have been reported in Chandigarh, which include nine from Sector 30-B, area that was receantly sealed by the UT administration.