Chandigarh.29 June,2020: Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT
Chandigarh, Sh. VP Singh Badnore today presided over Daily War Room meeting. The
meeting was attended by Sh. Manoj Parida, Adviser, UT, Chandigarh, Sh. Arun Gupta,
Principal Secretary (Home), Sh. Sanjay Beniwal, Director General of Police, Sh. KK Yadav,
Commissioner, Municipal Corporation and Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner,
Chandigarh at Punjab Raj Bhawan, Deputy Commissioners of Mohali & Panchkula, DirectorPGIMER, Director Health Services and Director Principal, GMCH through Video Conferencing.

  1. Dr. Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER informed that they have 486 covid samples, out of
    which 16 samples have been found positive. No sample from Chandigarh was found positive.
    Dr. BS Chavan, Director Principal, GMCH stated that they have tested 194 covid samples,
    out of which 12 were found positive. Only 03 positive samples belonged to Chandigarh
  2. All the chiefs of medical institutions stated that they are conducting both limited
    physical OPD and tele-medicine.
    The Administrator expressed happiness with the increased number of tele-medicine
    consultation. He stated that in view of social distancing norms, the technology of telemedicine should be extensively tried and encouraged.
  3. Deputy Commissioner, Mohali stated that they have 59 active cases. Deputy
    Commissioner, Panchkula stated that they have 49 active cases. Dr. G. Dewan, Director
    Health Services stated that they have 79 active cases.
  4. The Administrator directed that the monitoring of patients coming from outside
    should be done more vigorously, so that the cases can be detected at an early stage.
  5. The Administrator directed health officials to focus on vulnerable categories; such
    as pregnant women, senior citizens and small children. He advised that the residents should
    immediately report any symptom of corona in the neighbourhood, if any, so that the
    treatment could be started early.
  6. The Administrator was happy to note that PGIMER was authorized by ICMR to start
    Sero Antigen Rapid Test. After validation, it can be tried in Chandigarh.