DIET Banihal Organizes Three Day Long Online Orientation Cum Training Programme on NEP-2020


Banihal 30 th Sep 2020:- PSTE wing DIET Banihal organizes three Days Online orientation cum training programme on “Major reforms in School Education with reference to NEP 2020 “w.e.f 28th to 30th Sep which was attended by thirty five elementary level teachers of district Ramban. The objective of this programme was to orient the participants and develop their level of understanding so as to know the key reforms and changes brought about by NEP 2020.The programme was formally inaugurated by Dev Anand Principal DIET Banihal.In his opening remarks he said that teachers shapes the destiny of India in their classroom so it is imperative that the teachers should become the agents of implementing NEP 2020 so that the goal of transforming Indian society into sustainable and vibrant knowledge hub can be achieved.

He said that this orientation cum training programme will be followed by capacity building programme of the prospective teachers in order to acquaint them with the key features of NEP 2020.M A Katoch ,the coordinator of this programme extended warm welcome to all the experts /resource persons and participants and briefly highlighted the key notes in context of NEP 2020.He also appreciated the resource persons for playing active role in the implementation of NEP 2020. He said that efforts are being made to acquaint the teachers to understand the principles and pedagogical framework proposed in NEP 2020.As per hand out issued reads “There were total seven session for the whole orientation programme and the resource persons were delivered guest lecturers on different themes covering key features of NEP 2020.Dr.Suneeta Zaipuri one of the experts gave insightful lecture on the mission and vision of NEP 2020. She has presented overview of educational scenario in historical perspective and emphasized the importance of Right to Education act, Inclusive and holistic education.Aajaz Ahmed Bhat highlighted the importance of universal access to ECCE and acquainted the participants with the provisions envisaged in NEP 2020 for its implementation. Harish Sharma SRG SCERT discussed the concept of Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. He stressed that experiential learning should be encouraged by engaging students by creating conducive environment. Sharma equipped the participants with the concept of e learning and its relevance with modern society.Tapasya Sharma an Academic officer from SCERT Jammu gave detailed presentation on the curriculum and pedagogical frame work with reference to NEP 2020.She threw light on the different pedagogical practices and emphasized holistic, integrated and enjoyable learning. Dr.Arshid also deliberated on assessment reforms and highlighted the importance of competency based assessment. He also discussed the concept of assessment for learning and said that the child’s higher order skills and critical thinking should be assessed for holistic development. The overall training programme was conducted under PSTE wing of DIET Banihal coordinated by M A Katoch who has presented vote of thanks at the end of this programme.