Schools reopen for all classes in J&K


Jammu: After reopening schools on 1st of February, 2021 for classes 9th to 12th,in summertime zone schools of Jammu Division today threw open its classrooms for students upto class 8th as well.

The schools have reopened for the first time for physical classes since March 2020 and the students were welcomed with flowers, balloons, sweets and chocolates by the teachers and staff members.

Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta, in her message to the students, their parents and staff members congratulated all the stakeholders for the reopening up of schools and at the same time cautioned everyone to follow all the safety measures properly.

Ms. Anuradha Gupta today visited various schools of Jammu district in the morning and then followed it up with a whirlwind tour of District Samba where she inspected Govt Middle School Datta Talab, Govt Girls High School Birpur and Govt Higher secondary school Birpur among other institutions. She interacted with the students and other stakeholders, collecting feedback to ensure smooth and hassle free continuation of class work and gave on spot directions where ever necessary.

Similar inspections were carried out by CEOs, DIET Principals, ZEO, and HOIs to ensure smooth opening up of schools and class work.

Ms. Anuradha Gupta divulged that the students as well as parents were enthusiastic about the reopening of schools and the decision had been made after taking various factors into account and due deliberations.

She further said that all the SOPs and guidelines were being followed and every care was being taken to ensure safety and security of the students and staff members. 

“Every crisis comes with an opportunity. While we missed on lot many things, a lot could have been achieved in this year that was lost to Covid, we did manage to take advantage of closed school buildings certain things which otherwise would not have been  and uplifted them, beatified the campuses and made them vibrant and student friendly”, she said. 

It is pertinent to mention here that, Directorate of School Education Jammu had taken up various developmental works in schools during these covid induced vacations in schools like upliftment and renovation of school buildings, refurbishing by providing furniture and other equipments, starting herbal and nutritional gardens, augmenting libraries, laboratories and computer labs. etc.