Jammu: In view of the increased cyber-crimes, Directorate of school education Jammu through its Counselling cell has launched a fortnight long campaign on cyber security with effect from 15th of January, 2021 to 31st January, 2021 including organising a Parent -Teacher Meet (PTM) on 28th January, 2021 in all schools of Jammu Division. Services of faculty counsellors and psychological task force will be utilized to sensitize the students, teachers and other stakeholders on cyber security.

Ms. Anuradha Gupta, Director School Education Jammu reiterated that “’cyber security has become the focal point of deliberations because of the increased dependence on online world leading to spike in incidents of the cybercrime. Hence it is necessary to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions”.

There will be interactions with the parents (PTMs) through online and offline, on 28 January, 2021 wherein threadbare deliberations will be held on the themes like Cyber Security, Cyber Hygiene Tips, Cyber Security Awareness for Students, Safe gaurds for Social networking Profiles, Cyber Grooming, Cyber bullying, e-mail frauds, Dos and Don’ts to combat online threats etc. besides discussing academic issues.

“Campaigns on cyber security will be made sustainable by including it in counselling calendar of DSEJ” said Sh.Romesh Kumar Head counselling Cell DSEJ, adding that counselling teams at all levels will be involved to make this campaign successful.

As part of the campaign , a webinar on the theme “Cyber hygiene” was organized in which Mr. Yasin Kichloo, SSP security civil secretariat Jammu and Er. Vikas Razdan a cyber- expert were the key resource persons. This webinar benfitted at least 10,000 stakeholdres by providing them handy tips on cyber security.

Counselling Cell DSEJ has recommended booklets entitled ‘Cyber Hygiene Booklet by DGsP/ IGsP conference 2020, Cyber Safety and Security Guidelines for Schools by Department of School Education and Literacy Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, ‘A handbook for Adolescents/ Students on Cyber Security’ by ministry of home affairs, Govt. of India which are also available online.