Directorate Of School Education Jammu introduces ‘Well-being’ House in all the Government Schools of Jammu Division


DSEJ introduceds ‘Well-being’ House in all the Govt. Schools of Jammu Division

JAMMU: Acknowledging the importance of health and fitness, specially in the post Covid-19 pandemic scenario, the Directorate of School Education Jammu has introduced ‘Well-being House’ under Student House System in all the Govt. Schools of Jammu Division.

The main objective of adding a 4th house in the existing 3- house scheme is to ensure physical, mental, emotional & social well-being of students, teachers and all the stakeholders of the Education Department. The objectives of the well-being house are complementary to Manodarpan & are in consonance with the  counselling guidelines as enshrined in NEP-2020. Moreover, stress and strain generalised by COVID pandemic necessitated the strengthening of Counselling initiatives in schools.

“The enhancement of student well-being has emerged as an important approach in the development of students’ social, physical, mental, emotional and academic competence and is making significant contributions in the ongoing battle to prevent youth from depression, suicide, self-harm, anti-social behaviour, substance abuse and allied issues.
Mental and physical well-being is the key to a happier, more productive sociable student. Well-being House will provide psychosocial support to the students and teachers and sensitize them about child protection issues, health, hygiene and fitness issues”, said Dr. Ravi Shankar Sharma, Director School Education Jammu.

He further emphasised that this house will motivate students to adopt a healthy life style and increase students’ motivation and engagement.

Pertinently three houses namely Eco, Wisdom and Peace have already been established in all Government schools of Jammu Division which are inculcating valuable qualities and attributes for overall and sustainable development of the children.