DSEJ, UNICEF Organize Orientation Session On Career


DSEJ, UNICEF Organize orientation session on career guidance portal Manzilein

JAMMU: Counselling cell, Directorate of School Education Jammu assessing the needs and requirements of students amid closure of institutions and resulting career uncertainties, organized a mega virtual orientation session on the offical career portal  of the Directorate – MANZILEIN. The event was organised under the patronage of Director School Education Jammu Dr. Ravi Shankar Sharma while Mr. Danish Aziz, Education specialist UNICEF J&K Chapter and Mr Romesh Kumar, Head Counselling Cell were the key speakers of the session.

The virtual session received overwhelming and unprecedented response from learners covering all the 10 districts of Jammu division and more than four thousand students and their parents joined the session on various social media platforms of the Directorate.

The students were sensitized about the features like accessing portal at “https://jkcareerportal.org” wherein students can login with their enrolment IDs issued by JKBOSE and password 123456. The portal is compendium of information on 550+ careers, 21000+ colleges, 262,000 programs in 16 countries, 1150+ entrance exams and 1120+ scholarships.
Pertinent to mention here that Department of School Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir with the technical support of UNICEF had launched Manzilein-JK career portal in May 2020 as part of its initiatives to provide career guidance to the students of government schools.

A question answer session was also held in which students posed their queries about the registration process, careers in J&K, after affects of Covid pandemic and and other such related issues.

Director, School Education Mr. Ravi Shankar Sharma, speaking on the occasion urged the students to be job providers and not job seekers. He asked to focus  on skill development and JKEDI courses.

Romesh Sharma, Head Counselling Cell requested all faculty counsellors to give assignments to the students so that they get motivated to browse the portal for information and benefits.

The event saw great commitment on part of the HOIs, teacher counsellors, who motivated students to join the unique session during these distress  times.

Ms. Preeti Sharma moderated the session and team counselling coordinated the successful conduct of the virtual event.