Directorate Of School Education Jammu, Kashmir Launch Art Based Therapy For Students


Jammu: In order to ensure the mental well being of the students, specially the ones who cannot express their concerns and grievances verbally, Directorate of School Education, Jammu and Directorate of School Education, Kashmir in collaboration with Piramal Foundation (Kaivalya Education Foundation) and Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission launched an innovative training program for teachers-  Arts Based Capacity Building & Training (ACBT, (Equipping Teachers on Social & Emotional Learning), which aims to use different art forms to improve the overall socio- emotional well being of the students. The initiative was e-launched by Dr. Ravi Shankar Sharma and Dr. Tasaduq Hussain Mir, Director School Education, jammu/ Kashmir respectively, at a function organised by the Counselling Cell of Directorate of School Education, Jammu.

The ACBT project aims to train  teachers on using Art-based tools with children to enhance their emotional well-being to support them perform better academically. It’s theoretical base derives from the framework of Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) that strongly emphasizes on
Self-awareness, Social- awareness, relationship skills, self-management and Responsible Decision-making.

On the occasion, Ms. Zeeshan Hassan- Program Director,  Piramal Foundation KEF, Ms. Laurence Vandenvorre,  ( Founder Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission) Ms. Natacha Pirrote, General Manager, Red Pencil International, highlighted the importance, objectives & Journey of ACBT Project and its need.

Dr. Tasaduq Hussain Mir (KAS) Director School Education,  Kashmir, divulged on the problems J&K and other parts of the country  faced due to covid-19 and how 2 and half year situation created  depression, anxiety and stress among students and said that ACBT cpuod go a long way in helping the budding generation to administer their thoughts  so that they can learn in free and fair environment.



Dr. Ravi Shanker Sharma, KAS (Director School Education, Jammu, speaking on the occasion, congratulated the Councelling Cell, DSEJ and its Incharge Dr. Romesh Sharma for working tirelessly to ensure that the students receive best possible care and guidance when it comes to mental health and  well being.
He said that over 1.5 million students from government schools, over 1 million studying in Private schools, around 25 thousand government schools and over 7 thousand private schools spread across the length and breadth of the UT of J&K provide a wide canvas to work with.

Highlighting the role and importance of counselling of students and how art therapy could equip teachers with skills to ensure all round development, he divulged how the ACBT project would be helpful in remotest areas of Jammu Division like Poonch , Kishtwar, and Reasi which contain some of the most far flung and difficult to access areas of the world.

India is a society that is very well knit in terms of family and friendship bonds   which helps a lot in ensuring the psychological well being of students and individuals and the art based therapy will be a useful supplement said Dr. Ravi Shankar Sharma addressing the experts and participants.

The initiative will train 150 teachers, 75 each from the Jammu as well as as Kashmir division in the first phase.

The event was moderated by Dr. Alka Sharma, Counselling Cell Directorate of School Education Jammu.