VC JU inaugurated state of art Physiotherapy Wing of University Health Centre


Prof. Manoj K. Dhar, Vice Chancellor University of Jammu today inaugurated Physiotherapy Wing of the University Health Centre in the main Campus of the University of Jammu. The Physiotherapy building has been constructed out of RUSA grant sanctioned by the Ministry of Education, Government of India to the University of Jammu for further excellence in academics, research and infrastructure development at the cost of 38 lakhs.

The wing is fully equipped with all the latest physiotherapy modalities. Speaking on the occasion Prof. M. K. Dhar said that this Physio-Wing of the University Health Centre is one best Physiotherapy Centres in the Jammu region having all latest and advance physiotherapy machines installed in it. He said that the University fraternity will get immensely benefitted by having inhouse all the modern and specialised Physiotherapy modalities and the wing will definitely cater all types patients having physio related health issues. Prof. Dhar while lauding the efforts of the management of University Health Centre specially of Prof. Seema Langar, Convenor, Health Centre, Dr. Bharart Bushan Medical Officer and Dr. Nosheen Rather Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy Wing, University of Jammu for their dedication and hard work in setting up the state of art Physiotherapy Wing within the campus to provide best physiotherapy treatment to the students, scholars, teachers officers, employees and their dependents.

Dr. Nosheen Rather , Physiotherapist of the Wing while briefing the Vice Chancellor and other dignitaries present on the occasion said that with the installation of modern physiotherapy modalities, the Wing will be able to provide specialised and advance treatments like Muscular Dystrophy, Back & Neck pain, Limited Range of Motion (ROM), Osteoporosis, Vertigo, Chronic Fatigue, Respiratory Issues, Ankle Sprain, Foot Fracture, Knee Ligament Injury, Sports Injuries and post fracture and post surgery treatments to the patients. Dr. Nosheen also added that latest modalities such as Traction Machine, Short Wave Diathermy, IFT, Tens , Long Wave Diathermy, Laser , Vacuum Therapy, IR, Parallel Balls , Shoulder Pull , Wax Bath , Hydrocollatral Unit , cryotherapy Machine, Treadmill , Static Cycle , Shoulder Wheel, Shoulder Abduction Ladder, Rowing Machine, Swiss Ball, Heel & Ankle Exerciser, Continous Passive Machine Knee, Weight Cuffs and Thera Bands have been installed in the Physio- Wing as on date.

Among others present on the occasion were Prof. Rajni Dhingra, Dean Research Studies, Prof. Jasbir Singh, Controller of Examinations , Prof. Seema langar Dean Faculty of Life Sciences and Convenor University Health Centre, Prof. Parikshit Singh Manhas, Rector Udhampur Campus, Prof. Prakash Chand Anthal, Dean Student’s Welfare, Shri Sanjeev Mahajan, Administrator Gen. Zorawar Singh Auditorium, Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba Director Sports and Physical Education, Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Special Secretary to Vice Chancellor, Shri Khempal Singh, Deputy Registrar (Finance), Dr Imran Farooq, PRO to Vice Chancellor, Dr Vinay Thusoo, Head University Media Cell , Er. Suresh Sharma, Xen, University Works Department, Er. Jeewan Singh AEE (Electric), Er. Monica Sumbli, AEE (Civil), Dr. Bharat Bushan , Medical Officer, University Health Centre, Dr. Gautam Sharma, Dentist, Dr. Nosheen Rather Physiotherapist, and Dr. Akhilesh Sharma Liaison, Officer Vice Chancellor’s Sectt.