Warm sendoff accorded to SDM Gool on his transfer


RAMBAN: Sub-divisional Magistrate (SDM) Gool, Giasul Haq, who has been transferred and posted as ACR Ramban, was accorded a warm send-off by the staff members, PRIs and the Civil Society Gool.

Staff members, Public representatives, Civil administration, besides prominent Citizens of Gool lauded him for his honest, efficient, prompt and sincere services and wished him a successful tenure on new posting.

Speaking on the Occasion, President civil society Gool termed the outgoing SDM as a good, honest and dedicated officer. He further said that transfers are part of the services and the people of the Gool wish him good luck for his new assignment.

The BDC Chairperson Gool, Sarpanches and other PRIs also hailed the SDM for his honesty, patience, dedication, excellent behaviour, sincerity, administrative skills and qualities of serving the poorest among the poor. “His tenure as SDM GOOL will remain and be remembered as the Golden era in administration of Sub Division Gool ” he added.

In his emotional address, the outgoing SDM Giasul Haq extended his gratitude to officers and staff of the tehsil Complex office for their support and sincere efforts. He also thanked the people of Gool for their support and cooperation.

President Peace and welfare Committee Gool, President Islah e muashra Gool, President Jamia Masjid Gool, president Beoparmandal Gool were among those present on the occasion.