30 Rajouri District schools bag Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar -2021-22



Rajouri, JULY 16: A Distric Level Award Ceremony to felicitate selected schools with the Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar (2021-22) was today organized by the Chief Education Officer Rajouri, at Cinfrance hall of Dak Banglow Rajouri

District Development Commissioner Rajouri Sh.Vikas Kundal, I.A.S was the chief guest of the occasion.

The total schools (Govt.and Pvt.) In district Rajouri are 2073 out of which 1789 Sxhools have been registered themselves on SVP portal and the selected Schools were physically verified under sub categories viz provision of Water, Toilet, Handwash with soap, Operation and maintenance, Behaviour change & capacity building and Covid-19 preparedness.

Out of total participating schools, 30 schools were selected for district level award.

Award ceremony was held under the chairmanship of Dy. Commissioner Rajouri in the presence of Adl.Deputy Commissioner Rajouru ,Chief Planning Officer Rajouri Chief Education Officer Rajouri, District Education Planning Officer Rajouri Chief and other districtofficers and dignitaries. Certificates of appreciation were presented to the HOIs of the selected schools.

While speaking on the occasion, the DC urged the HOIs of the schools present in the function to keep their institution neat and clean to avoid certain fatal epidemics like covid-19 in the future.

The Chief Education Officer Rajouri Shailesh Kumaru presented vote of thanks to all the dignitaries present on the occasion for spearing their valuable time and making the program a great success