Celeberation of International Yoga Day among various schools of District Udhampur


Udhampur: 8th International Day of Yoga was celebrated at Subash Stadium Udhampur on 21st June 2022 with great enthusiasm by all the participants Under the supervision of District Administration Udhampur in which students and staff members of various schools actively participated and performed the different Yogasans which were mentored by the various Yoga experts from different organizations and also by the officials of Department of Ayush District Udhampur.

Presence of Chief Education Officer Udhampur, Mr. Arvin Kumar Koul in this mega event has encouraged and motivated the staff and students of various schools. District Youth services and Sports officer Udhampur has also directed 5 schools of District Udhampur to reach at the venue of event along with students today on 6:00 AM and actively involved to make this event successful.570 students of different schools has made this occasion a colourful event by showing their active participation at Subash Stadium and they are also motivated by this event that their spirit of participation in further Yoga events has become very high.

It is worthwhile to mention here that the Directorate of School Education, Jammu has issued a calendar indicating series of Events to be performed from 15th June to 21st June 2022 in which various activities has to be performed by schools to make this mega event grand successful.

987 Govt. Schools has performed all the activities to spread the message of Humanity across the globe as the theme for International Day Yoga-2022 is “YOGA FOR HUMANITY”.

It is the moment of pride for District Udhampur that two students namely SUNIL SINGH of Saheed Inspector Kamal Singh Hr. Sec. School Boys Udhampur and RANJEET KUMAR of MS Shakti Nagar has also participated in the DELHI International Yoga Day 2022 under the supervision of Director School Education Jammu.
As per the directions of Chief Education Officer Udhampur, Mr. Arvin Kumar Koul,vide office order No.-CEOU/DRG/17955-18065 dated 20-06-2022 all schools including those of summer zone to celebrate it at their respective institutions.Also ensure the participation of Parents in the event by performing Yoga activities at their homes.