DSEJ Organizes Mega PTM in Government Schools of Jammu Division


Jammu : Monthly PTMs are a consistent process of interaction between the teachers and the parents to keep them updated with the progress of their wards. Directorate of School Education Jammu organized a Mega Parent Teacher Meet in all the Government Schools of Jammu Division. The event was coordinated by Counselling cell DSEJ through District counselling coordinators, Zonal Counselling Coordinators, Faculty Counsellors, and DNOs.

PTM has become a regular feature in Government Schools of Jammu Division and as a followed precedent every government institution in winter zone (HSS, HS, MS & PS) and (HSS and HS) in summer zoneheld Parent Teacher Meet on 26th day of May, 2022 on the theme “Primary Prevention of Tobacco use amongst students” along with routine academic and context specific themes through offline platforms following covid appropriate behaviour. Schools/Teachers were oriented in advance about the issues to be discussed with parents.

Dr.Ravi Shankar Sharma, Director School Education Jammu appreciated the efforts of Counselling Cell DSEJ and said that PTM in Govt. Schools has become a prominent exercise that helps teachers and parents to work together for betterment of students    and to bring out best in them. He further added that such meetings hold great importance as they keep motivation levels high in all stake holders.


Pertinent to mention here that a large scale awareness sessions on ‘Tobacco free educational institutions’ in every district of Jammu Division is already going on for creating awareness regarding the harmful effects of tobacco consumption and implementation of strategies for prevention and control of tobacco use amongst students. TOFEI guidelines under National Tobacco control programme by Department of Education and literacy,GOI has also been implemented throughout the Division.