District Kathua wins divisional level round of Kala Ustav 2022-23, remains divisional champion for the second consecutive year


District Kathua wins divisional level round of Kala Ustav 2022-23, remains divisional champion for the second consecutive year.

In the recently concluded divisional level round of Kala Utsav 2022-23, the participant students from the schools of district Kathua secured the first position among all districts of Jammu division who participated in a three day long event conducted from 21st November to 23rd November Teacher Bhawan, Jammu.
The students from district Kathua participated in all 20 competitions held under 10 different categories of various forms of arts such as dance, music, instrumental, indigenous toy making, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional visual arts in which the district level winners from all districts from Jammu division competed with each other. It is also worth mentioning that these winners had been chosen from rigorous competition held at school and zonal levels. In the overall results, district Kathua was declared champion and in 20 competitions, 8 were won by Kathua district. The winners of this round would be competing with the winners from Kashmir division at UT level in next phase of the Kala Ustav competition.
Dr. Ravi Shankar, Director of School Education graced the occasion as Chief Guest of the event and had been present to encourage and appreciate the participants most of the time despite his busy schedule. He in his address appreciated all the participants and assured his support at all levels to nurture the talented artists. He said that though all districts have worked hard and shown brilliant performance, the winner district, that is district Kathua, certainly deserves kudos. The officer also appreciated various stake holders such as DICCs, ZICCs and SICCs for their efforts in bringing the talented students o such a prestigious stage. He also said that before going for the next round, the winners would be participating in a three-day exclusive workshop that would be conducted soon at the Teacher Bhawan, Jammu. He said his best wishes to the winners and wished them luck for the next round.
Mr. P.L. Thapa, the Chief Education Officer, District Kathua also congratulated the winners, their mentor teachers, DICCs, ZICCs, SICCs, ZEOs of respective zone and all the HOIs and teaching community of district Kathua for a brilliant performance. He said that it gives him immense pleasure to be the part of the winning district for the second consecutive year. The officer said that he wishes that district Kathua shall lead on all fronts and all the competitions. Mr. Thapa said that he had seen himself the participants and all other stakeholders working very hard and wishes that they win at UT level and national level as well. He said that he recognizes the work done by all the stake holders and specially appreciates Mrs. Monika Khosla, District Incharge Cultural Cell Kathua in conducting the whole affair so efficiently and at the same time producing winning performance.