DIET Banihal conducts 5 day long Capacity Building Programme on Development of Locally Contextualised TLM for ECCE.


Banihal: PSTE Wing DIET Banihal conducted 5 day Capacity Building Programme (CBP) on Development of locally contextualised Teaching Learning Material for ECCE at Govt HSS Boys Banihal in which 50 Pre primary/ primary level teachers from six educational zone participated.The aim and objective of this Capacity Building Programme was to train pre- primary level teachers to develop locally contextualised TLM for ECCE and equip the participants with the skills of using it in an effective manner.The CBP was formally inaugurated by ZEO Banihal who has highlighted the importance of pre primary education.ZEO Banihal asked the participants to enhance their knowledge and skills for facing the challanges of 21ist century. He also advised the participants to develop the techniques of facilitating learners in a conducive, stress free environment.He said that the responsibility of the HOIs is to utilize human resources properly.
M A Katoch ,the DNO of ECCE DIET Banihal highlighted the objectives of ECCE and also discussed the key concepts of pre school education in the context of NEP 2020. He said that NEP 2020 has laid importance on the universalization of ECCE by 2030 and to provide free and quality ECCE so the need has arisen to train pre primary teachers and enhance their knowledge and skills of developing locally contextualised TLM. He said that it was a revolutionary step to start kindergarten classes and it will be a step forward to raise quality education.He said that ECCE aims to ensure holistic development of a child and to prepare him/ her for smooth transition to later stages.It is pertinent to mentiin here that DIET Banihal under PSTE Wing has trained 50 PLTs for kindergarten classes and it was the 2nd batch who would be involved in teaching at pre primary level in the newly sanctioned kindergarten schools.During CBP different KRPs,RPs delivered their lectures on different topics and equipped the participants with the knowledge and understanding of the locally available contextualised TLM.During the workshop stress was given to develop skills of using locally available teaching learning material and its effective use for ensuring holistic development of child at ECCE level.Some of the guest lectures were organised by renowed State Resource Persons.Dr.Arshad Ahmed Salroo presented his lecture on developmental needs of children at various stages where as Tariq Ahmed Khan one of the state awardee and Key Resource Person for ECCE demonstrated how to develop psycho-motor aspect of a child.Tariq Ahmed Dekka anothor State Resource Person acquainted the participants with the use of art integrated approach to develop socio emotional domain of child. Others who delivered lectures include Ajaz Ahmed Sohil on ” developmental domains of child”, Nawaz Sharief Mir ” Fun math for developing early numeracy”, Sweete Sharma ” Cognitive and creative development”,Indu Sharma ” language development and communication through story telling.At the end, feedback was sought and the responses of the participants were quite encouraging and positive.The participants said in their feedback that they were interested to work at ECCE level and they would take it as a mission.The participants showed great interest and enthusiasm to work at pre primary level.They requested Principal DIET Banihal to nominate them for another CBP so that they may be well equiped with the pedagogical skills of teaching at ECCE level.The participants also requested to organize such programmes in future.M A Katoch the coordinator of this CBP who is also the DNO for ECCE assured the participants that the he would request DSEJ ,CEO Ramban to utilize thes services of those teachers at ECCE level so that the goals laid down in NEP 2020 can be realised.At the concluding session Kamlesh Gupta HOD DIET Banihal also interacted with the participants and appreciated them for their active involvement.She asked the participants to bring this wonderful experience to ECCE level and apply innovative pedagogy to shape and color the growing buds.She also lauded the spirit and dedication of M A Katoch for conducting such fruitful programmes.She said that the motivation among the participants was exemplary and the response was quite satisfactory.At the end of this CBP Farooq Ahmed Wani,Fareed Ahmed Naik,Fareed Ahmed,Sharief Ahmed and Shahbaz Naik in their feedback extended their gratitude to Principal DIET Banihal and M A Katoch for placing all possible arrangment and termed this CBP as one of the best training Programne of their service career. M A Katoch thanked A.R Giri Principal HSS Boys Banihal for extending logistic support, cooperation and suitable accommodation.The Programme was coordinated by M A Katoch Sr.Academic Officer and assisted by G M Bohroo Sr.Academic officer.

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