A two-day training program for various officials of District Udhampur working in the Education Department was organized at CEO Udhampur


Two days training program of DDO’s/HOI’s/Computer person dealing with Accounts was held under the chairmanship of Chief Education Officer Sh. Arvin Kumar Koul in office premises. The training program was also chaired by DPEO Smt. Girja Challu and AD Planning Sh. Darshan Kumar Sharma. Speaking on the occasion DPEO and AD Planning also briefed DDO’s and other officials about Civil works and AWP&B Plan.

On 14 February 2023 training was imparted to all DDOs and on 15th February 2023 same training was imparted to their dealing assistants.

In the said training program all the concerned officials were awared about the use of Online Financial transaction management system which includes PFMS/BEAMS/Paysys for their efficient and transparent use in the future. The resource person also trained to all the trainees about the technical usage of Govt. e-market (Gem) in order to make all the Govt. purchases from the said website.

Recently Govt. of J&K has introduced the JK Attendance to ensure the marking of attendance of teachers on the said app. The resource person dealing with the said app provides the detail knowledge to all the officials that how to make use of JK Attendance app to mark their attendance including tours trainings and casual leave. The trainees were also provided with refreshment at the conclusion of the said program.

Chief Education Officer Udhampur expressed his satisfaction over the successful culmination of the training program along with message to all the DDO’s and other officials to make use of all the available websites and apps for the effective implementation of Govt. schemes on the ground in letter and spirit. The resource persons who imparted training were Sh. Sanjeev Sharma and Sh. Navneet Singh.

Chief Education Officer