KTJAC Thanks DSEJ, CAO for release of salary of un-transited RRETs


UT President JKTJAC Vinod Sharma extended his gratitude to worthy Director School Education Jammu Ashok Kumar Sharma JKAS and worthy Chief Accounts Officer Monika Bhandari JKAS for their commitment to resolve the salary issue of RRETs/ReTs who have not been converted into Teachers Grade II/ III due to various reasons.
Vinod Sharma on behalf of Jammu Kashmir Teachers’Joint Action Committee said that due it those who were without salary for last more than two years will get a sigh of relief.
He also thanked worthy Director School Education Jammu for issuing necessary directions to CEOs for conversion of EVs to ReTs who have acquired their required qualifications in stipulated time period given by the department.
It’s pertinent to mention here that JKTJAC has been raising these issues for a long time and ultimately Director School Education Jammu made it possible by issuing necessary circulars.
Vinod Sharma UT President JKTJAC