JU’s Poonch Campus organized Extension activity entitled “Adoption of Seri-Village and Plantation Drive” 


Poonch January 23 : Department of Sericulture, Poonch campus, University of Jammu in collaboration with Department of Sericulture, SKC GDC Poonch organised Sericulture today organized Extension activity entitled “Adoption of Seri-Village and Plantation Drive” for implication of MoU signed by both the institutions.


Under the activity department adopted Dingla, Jannyar Village of NSSB Block of Poonch district for promotion of sericulture industry in the adopted village.


Prof. Dipankar Sengupta, Director Poonch campus, extended heartiest thanks to the district administration and Panchayat members especially Ms. Rubina Anjum, Sarpanch village Dingla and other panches for their cooperation during the said event.


Prof. Sengupta also congratulated all the staff members of Department of Sericulture, Poonch campus, and SKC GDC Poonch for their outstanding contribution in making this event successful.


Prof. Gurvinder Raj Verma, HOD Sericulture & Coordinator Sericulture extension Unit, Department of Sericulture, SKC GDC Poonch in his address, thanked the members of block Panchayat and congratulated the faculty of Department of Sericulture, Poonch campus for taking the initiative by adoption of seri-village.


He briefed the students and farmers about the scope and importance of sericulture and encouraged them to adopt sericulture for gaining maximum benefits.


Dr. Suraksha Chanotra, Incharge & Coordinator Sericulture extension Unit, Department of Sericulture, Poonch campus while speaking on the occasion welcomed all the dignitaries, staff, students and farmers.


Dr. Chanotra detailed the audience about the aim and objectives of the adoption programme viz, transfer of technology from lab to field. She also brought into light the comparative economics of sericulture viz-viz other agricultural crops that sericulture is the only cash crop to provide maximum returns in short period involving very less inputs. She encouraged the farmers to adopt sericulture as subsidiary occupation in order to enhance their economic status and to strength their livelihood.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Rubia Bukhari, Campus officer, Poonch campus also detailed the audience about the scope and benefits of sericulture. Dr Bukhari encouraged the farmers to adopt sericulture and described the benefits provided by the state department such as rearing appliances, disinfections and supply of chawki worms.


Further, Ms. Rubina Anjum, Sarpanch village Dingla thanked the university and college staff for organising the event.


Later students of M.Sc. sericulture shared their experiences of silkworm rearing and scope of sericulture for employment generation.

The programme was attended by 18 PG students, 31 UG students and 20 farmers along with 02 panches of the NSSB blocks along with the teaching and non-teaching faculty of university and college.


During the event, 15 identified potential sericulture farmers were registered under the adoption programme and 1000 mulberry saplings were distributed to the adopted farmers.


The programme continued with elaborative discussion among the staff and the farmers. Where, farmers showed their keen interest for silkworm rearing. They also participated in group discussion for clearing doubts about the do’s and do not’s while practising silkworm rearing.


Among others those were present during the event included, Dr. Muzafar Ahmad Bhat, Ms. Sumya Kapoor & Ms. Kalpna Sudan, Department of Sericulture, Poonch campus, Dr. Jyoty Angotra, Lecturer, Department of Sericulture, SKC GDC Poonch and Ms. Avinder Kour, Sericulture Assistant and Mr. Harish Dutta Field assistant from SSDD Poonch.


Dr. Muzafar Ahmad Bhat presented formal vote of thanks