Specialized Training Program held at Govt.HSS Bhalra Bhaderwah.


Specialized Training Program held at Govt.HSS Bhalra Bhaderwah.
Doda:04,March 2024.
PM Shri Govt. Higher Secondary School Bhalra, Bhaderwah organised a specialized training program aimed at preparing employees for their roles in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

The programme was organized in the Institution to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge of the electoral process. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar (Associate NCC Officer/Zonal Counselling Incharge) highlighted various concepts of Pink Polling Stations and roles and responsibility of female employees at pink polling stations.

During the programme, Booth Level Officers (BLOs) of Misrata Panchayat namely Sunil Kumar, Neeraj Kotwal and Puran Singh also highlighted various electoral procedures including voter registration, polling processes and vote counting.
The whole programme was organised under the guidance of Worthy Principal Sh. Pardeep Singh Billawria and supervision of Worthy Chief Education Officers Doda Sh. P.L. Thapa (CEO Doda) and District Education Planning Officer Doda Dr. Anis Ahmed (DEPO Doda).