Govt.HS PRANOO Celebrates Children’s Day with a Cleanliness Drive.


Doda November 14-In a heartwarming initiative aligned with the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, HS PRANOO recently organized a cleanliness drive on the eve of Children’s Day.


The event saw enthusiastic participation from students, teachers, and staff.


The drive aimed to instill the values of cleanliness and hygiene among the young minds. Students actively engaged in cleaning the school premises, picking up litter, and ensuring a pristine environment.


The event not only contributed to a cleaner campus but also fostered a sense of responsibility and community spirit.


The cleanliness drive was a testament to HS PRANOO’s commitment to creating a healthy and hygienic learning environment.


By involving students in such initiatives, the school empowers them to be agents of change and contribute to a cleaner and greener future.


#ChildrensDay2024 #Celebration #CleanlinessDrive #GreenFuture