PTM held in Govt.schools of Doda District.



DODA April 26: Government schools in District Doda organised ‘parent-teacher’ meeting in which parents and teachers provide feedback and suggestions regarding overall development of the studensts.

Chief Education Officer Doda Mr. Parkash lal Thapa said that the move is aimed at improving the education system and the well-being of students.

These parent-teacher meetings have become a regular feature in government schools of Jammu division.

Accordingly, District Doda organised parent-teacher meetings in all the schools on the theme “Role of Parents in Developing Life Skills among Children” along with the enrollment drive which is in full swing these days.


Assesment of academic performance by the students in the examination was the core issue taken up in the PTM and considerable focus was on gearing up to attain maximum possible enrollment in the schools during the academic year 2024.

Parents were also made aware of various aspects of life skills. ”

The role of parents and teachers has become very important for the lives of students. The feedback by parents helps boost the education in government schools.

Such a step in government schools is a great opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a healthy and strong relationship for the holistic development of a child” , said CEO Doda, Mr. Prakash Lal Thapa.

Every month, schools conduct these meetings, in which not only academics-related issues are discussed but the mental health, health and hygiene, personal development and well-being of students are deliberated upon.

Some of the recurrent themes include ‘Role of parents during examinations’, ‘Role of parents in ensuring safety and security of school-going children’, ‘Role of parents in developing life skills’, ‘Inculcating moral values in children’, ‘Role of parents in preventing drug abuse among children’, ‘Emotional wellbeing’ and ‘Understanding adolescents and parenting during adolescence’ etc.

These monthly meetings are held under the able guidance and strict supervision of Mr. Ashok Sharma, Director School Education Jammu