The state of Assam is on high alert on Thursday after two persons were found dead within 24 hours leading to suspicions of a serial killer being on the loose. Both the victims identified were found dead in trains bound for the state. While one of them was a 21-year-old Radha Kumari, a student of Assam Agriculture University in Dibrugarh-Rangiya Express on Tuesday, another 48-year-old Lalima Devi’s deceased body was found in Avadh-Assam Express on Wednesday. The modus operandi was similar in both the murders as the killer used the traditional Assamese towel- gamcha to strangulate the two. “Investigation is on to ascertain if there is a link between the two murders. Prima facie, strangulation is suspected to be the cause of death,” Jorhat Superintendent of Police, Vaibhav Nimbalkar reportedly told media.