Devinder Manyal reviews functioning of Health Department

SRINAGAR, MAY 10: Minister for Health & Medical Education Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal today chaired maiden review meeting of health sector in Kashmir Division at Banquet Hall, Srinagar.

The meeting was attended by Minister of State for Health & Medical Education Asiea Naqash, Principal Secretary, Health & Medical Education, Dr Pawan Kotwal, Commissioner Food Safety, Dr. Abdul Kabir Dar, Director General Health Services, Kashmir Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman, Mission Director NHM, Directors of Family Welfare, JKSACS, ISM, Deputy Directors, Chief Medical Officers, Medical Superintendents of District & Sub District Hospitals, Nodal Officers of various schemes & other officers of Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir.

The Minister appreciated the work done and milestones achieved by Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir and directed the officers to put in additional efforts to improve the health care service system in the state.

He assured officers of the Directorate of all possible cooperation in achieving the goals of improved healthcare facilities and also assured to resolve long pending demands of the employees working in the department.

Minister of State for H&ME Asiea Naqash in her address said that a lot of development has taken place in health sector during the last three years and these efforts need to be intensified for better health care. She said the government is committed to provide better healthcare facilities to the people at affordable price and urged the officials to work with extra zeal for the welfare of the common masses.

On the occasion Principal Secretary, Health & Medical Education Dr Pawan Kotwal briefed the ministers about the pertinent issues which need to be prioritized and stressed upon the district level officers to work in a time bound manner to complete the on-going projects and programmes of the Govt.

The DG Health Services, Kashmir Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman in his presentation gave a comprehensive overview of the functioning of department.

Project Director AIDS Dr Mushtaq Pathan, MD NHM, Dr Yashpal Sharma, Director Family Welfare, Dr Samir Mattoo, Director ISM Neeraj Kumar in their presentations briefed the Minister about various health care activities conducted and targets achieved by the department.