Former India captain Kapil Dev will represent the country once again, 24 years after his retirement from competitive cricket, but this time in a different sport. The 59-year-old has made it to the Indian golf team that will take part in the 2018 Asia Pacific Seniors. Dev qualified on the basis of his performance in the All India Senior Tournament that was held at the JP Greens Golf Course in Noida earlier in July.
The tournament will be played from October 17 to 19 at the Tom Watson Golf Club in Miyazaki, Japan.
Dev has previously spoken about how he started playing golf, and what he subsequently liked about the sport.
“A friend of mine called me to play golf and I told him, ‘I don’t want to go out and play in public, after cricket.’ He said that after the first hole nobody will see you, you will be far inside with only your caddie and four friends,” Dev told
“In golf you have total control on your body, power, strength, and the result is yours. You can’t raise a finger on anybody. I think that gave me the strength, so I can criticise myself and I can say that I played bad.
Any male golfer aged 55 years or above meets the qualifications criteria for the Asia Pacific Seniors. Dev had also qualified for the 2015 edition of the tournament that was held in China. After winning accolades in cricket, his second innings with golf could see him bringing more laurels for the country.