DC Ramban, Director Floriculture dedicate Maitra Park to the public


RAMBAN, AUGUST 04: District Development Commissioner (DDC), Ramban Showkat Aijaz Bhat and Director Floriculture Babila Rakwal dedicated the newly constructed Maitra Park to the public here today.

On the occasion DDC and Director planted trees in park. DDC said that district administration in collaboration with NGOs and other departments has already initiated mega plantation drive for improving environment and beauty of district besides making district Ramban Green.

He appreciated the efforts of the floriculture department for developing the park in Maitra Ramban besides instructed the concerned to redouble their efforts for proper maintenance of said park.

DDC also assured the Director Floriculture for full cooperation from District administration for developing a children park at adjoining Old Park besides proving accommodation for chowkidar and other park related staff.

Director Floriculture on the occasion highlighted the importance of creating more and more green areas to protect the earth from the impending dangers of global warming and abnormal climatic changes.

Director said that the park was constructed by the Floriculture department with an expenditure of rupees 132 lakh at Maitra Ramban near river Chenab. The Park has eye catching landscape and flower beds of different species with tiled pathways and a large number of tress.

Responding to demands of locals, Director Floriculture directed the Xen Floriculture to prepare a DPR for developing a Children Park at identified place at Maitra.

ACR Vevaik Puri, Xen Floriculture Kabir Hussain, Assistant Floriculture Officer besides prominent citizens and general public present on the occasion.